Archive: Crime prevention through urban design in the smart city era

Paper: Crime prevention through urban design and planning in the smart city era: The challenge of disseminating CP-UDP in Italy: learning from Europe

Journal of Place Management & Development, Special issue 9.2: Crime Prevention through Urban Design, Planning & Management.

This study relies on some European case studies on CP-UDP learned by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (EU COST) Action TU1203 and on a personal research experience focused on CPTED and its potential development in Italy – which was based on literature review and interviews with key informants. Continue reading “Archive: Crime prevention through urban design in the smart city era”

The experts are dead: Long live the experts.

Journal of Place Management and Development

by Dominic Medway and Cathy Parker

Journal of Place Management and Development, Issue 9.3: Editorial

On June 24th this year Dominic Medway wrote on his Twitter feed: “@PlaceManagement Places are ultimately made, unmade, defined and redefined by people before institutions. We’ve seen that today”. This was of course referring to the result of the so-called ‘Brexit’ referendum on whether the United Kingdom should leave the EU. The pollsters and the City of London seemed reasonably confident that the outcome of the vote, on June 23rd 2016, would be to ‘remain’, but it seemed both these institutional bodies hugely underestimated the power of the voters to exercise their democratic right to chart an alternative future. Continue reading “The experts are dead: Long live the experts.”

Call for Papers – Grassroots Festivals and Place Making



The Journal of Place Management and Development (JPMD) is pleased to invite papers for a special issue on “Grassroots festivals and place-making” to be published Winter 2018/2019.

Guest Editors Dr Louise Platt (Manchester Metropolitan University) and Dr Jane Ali-Knight (Edinburgh Napier University).

Overview of the Theme Continue reading “Call for Papers – Grassroots Festivals and Place Making”

Journal of Place Management and Development rises up rankings

Journal of Place Management and DevelopmentThe Journal of Place Management and Development’s two-year impact factor has risen from 1.591 in 2014 to 1.935 in 2015 in the Sci-Mago journal rankings.  This has resulted in the following journal rankings across subject categories. Continue reading “Journal of Place Management and Development rises up rankings”

JPMD Special Issue online now: Crime prevention through urban design, planning and management

Bildschirmfoto 2016-06-15 um 17.30.58

Editorial by Ares Kalandides

Dedicated to the memory of Prof Clara Cardia

Crime prevention is increasingly to be found at the top of the place management agenda and it is now generally accepted that good places are also safe places. Of course, crime prevention is about more things than just places: it is about people and agency, about poverty and inequality, about weakness and strength, about moral values and social norms among many things. Yet, it is also recognized that place is a fundamental category when we want to look at the conditions or the local situation that facilitates the act of crime. For place managers, crime or indeed the fear of crime, have been constant issues in dealing with the quality of places and in particular, but not only, public places. How do we make public space safer and also, how do we make people feel safer in public space? Crime Prevention through Urban Design Planning and Management (CP-UDPM) puts place in the centre of the approach and looks at the conditions that make crime possible locally and induce a fear of crime: a badly-lit alley, an abandoned subway, indifferent neighbours etc. The concept of crime has been extended to include incivilities such as litter and vandalism – seen both as a problem in themselves, but also as a sign of abandoned and unsafe public space. We do not want to enter the discussion of definitions here, but suffice to say that both crime and incivilities are contested terms, seen both as socially constructed and contingent.

You can access the special issue of the Journal of Place Management and Development here. Become a member of the Institute of Place Management to gain free access to JPMD. Continue reading “JPMD Special Issue online now: Crime prevention through urban design, planning and management”

Call for papers, JPMD Special Issue “Participatory placemaking: concepts, methods and practices“

IMG_4846Special issue call for papers from the Journal of Place Management and Development. Issue 11.2, Summer 2018

The Journal of Place Management and Development (JPMD) is pleased to invite papers for a special issue on “Participatory placemaking: concepts, methods and practices”

Overview of the Theme

Continue reading “Call for papers, JPMD Special Issue “Participatory placemaking: concepts, methods and practices“”

Place branding in strategic spatial planning in Portugal, 2014-2020


Photo by Ares Kalandides
Photo by Ares Kalandides

by Eduardo Oliveira*

Portugal has often been promoted and communicated as a tourist destination without a clear and consistent strategy. It is only recently that other purposes, such as investment and talent attraction, have emerged from the multiple place promotion campaigns, although these mostly remain unclear in their objectives. We can identify many different place promotions initiatives. They are often very colourful and shining, they solely focus on tourism, but none of them qualify as place branding. In this brief post I will take the readers in a journey from 1906 to 2016. I will tell the story of how Portuguese authorities have been promoting the country and its regions and how they have been using (or not) place branding for that purpose. The evolution of events might surprise you. Continue reading “Place branding in strategic spatial planning in Portugal, 2014-2020”



Journal of Place Management and Development

Deadline 30th June 2016

This forthcoming Special Issue will have a particular focus on papers presented at the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Corfu Symposium on Managing and Marketing Places that are relevant to topics on Responsible Tourism and Place Making.

The Institute of Place Management considers that ‘Responsible Tourism starts from the assumption that the place, and its natural and cultural heritage, has value for local people and the visitors. The aspiration is for forms of tourism which can best be characterised by the language of host and guest, where the relationships between locals and tourists, between visitors and visited, embody respect, accountably, transparently and responsibility’, thus, while ‘tourists and day visitors are important stakeholders in the places they visit … their interests, and that of the tourism industry, need to be addressed in a balanced way with those of the residents whose place it is’. Continue reading “CALL FOR PAPERS: Special Issue on “RESPONSIBLE TOURISM AND PLACE MAKING””